What do people want from a gym?

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What do people want from a gym?
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What do customers really want when they go to the gym?

The fitness world has had to adapt since the start of the pandemic, and will continue to do so in the near and distant future. So you'll probably have to change your practices and habits to keep up with these trends.

In order to achieve this, you may be wondering what customers actually want, and we're going to try and shed some light on this in a comprehensive article by AZEOO.

A positive experience

What consumers are looking for is a positive, memorable experience. Most of them will be willing to pay the price if they know the experience will be positive and qualitative. Some customers will settle for an average or even mediocre experience. So the question is: what's most important to you?

Regardless of your personal values, it's worth noting that customers don't always complain when they've had a disappointing experience. According to a Zendesk study , 75% of people who had a pleasant experience would like to repeat it, and 56% would recommend it to friends and family. Conversely, only 1 in 26 customers would tend to complain.

This means that, yes, you could make do with the little, but your engagement rate would be far less interesting. So you need to focus on the experience your customers are going to have in your structure.

Why is such experience crucial?

In some cases, gyms offer their members the very best. However, they do not seek to create a sense of closeness with them. As a result, when they made the transition from COVID, they didn't feel that sense of belonging that bound them together in good times and bad. So they turned to digital market leaders for a remote fitness experience. Based on this observation, we can say that 3 key elements are necessary to create this sense of community:

  1. Comfort

Even if customer comfort has never been a neglected element in gyms, today's mentalities are evolving. Certain companies have influenced our daily lives and changed the way we live, move and consume.

This trend is changing, but not radically. Just look at the enormous rise of companies like Uber (and UberEats), Deliveroo, Hellofresh and so on. It's a clear sign of how we're changing the way we consume.

  1. A community

As we've already mentioned, people need to feel part of a community , and the pandemic has made this need even greater through distancing.

  1. Customization

Customers are now willing to trade their information for a personalized experience, or even pay more. They want to feel unique and treated as special individuals. In this way, you can create an exceptional experience, and their loyalty will grow with it.

By taking all these elements into account, our AZEOO team hopes to have been able to enlighten you. If you'd like to develop your business even further, take a look at the different offers for our all-in-one coaching software.

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