Buying or renting sports equipment for your fitness business?

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Buying or renting sports equipment for your fitness business?
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Rent or buy fitness equipment? We explain everything.

By now, if you own a fitness club or gym, you're probably aware that equipment can quickly become expensive. The question is: should you buy or rent certain equipment? If you're in any doubt, we'll explain everything in this AZEOO article, to help you make the right choice.

Your image and your target group

What image do you want to convey, and who is your target audience? This means that your choices will vary, and that certain items will cost more if they are specific to a particular group. It's often better to have your own equipment at your disposal ,but given the changing trends in fitness, it may be more interesting to opt for rental, in order to renew your panel in line with the evolution of your target audiences and the brand image you wish to project . Aware of this challenge in the fitness world and the results it brings, AZEOO has developed personalized coaching software to help fitness trainers, gyms and clubs promote their brand image!

Your finances

It's very important to take into account the ancillary costs, as well as the fixed costs associated with the machinery. Even though you don't own the machine, leasing seems to be the easiest option for companies who don't want to have to amortize this new investment, and who don 't want to add maintenance costs to their financial calculations.

The space available on your premises

Then ask yourself whether your space will allow you to install the machine you want to buy. If you rent out machines, you'll have no trouble returning one or more stations in order to create a new space. Ofcourse, you mustn't overcrowd your room with standard equipment (squat cages, treadmills, etc.), as this would tend to drive away your customers.

What about renting equipment to third parties?

If you have machines that your customers use infrequently, why not rent them out to other venues or individuals? This will save you space and make them more profitable. Of course, you'll have to bear the cost of maintenance, but it's worth it in some cases.Now all you have to do is put your thinking caps on and choose the option that best suits your needs!

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