Automated communication to build a loyal community

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Automated communication to build a loyal community
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Discover how to create a close-knit, loyal community with automated communication!

Managing your community, and keeping it close-knit and supportive, is a daily challenge for many gym managers. In addition to being time-consuming, it requires energy on a daily basis, and you might want to delegate this task to one of your employees. However, did you know that setting up an automated communication system would be a simpler and more effective solution? We tell you more in the following article by AZEOO.

Distribute information

Nowadays, if your members are satisfied with your venue or business, chances are they're following you or have already looked you up on social networks/internet. That's already a thorn in your side. So don't hesitate to share your program, upcoming events or news about your company.If you use an all-in-one sports software or personalized coaching application, you can also send push notifications to its users. Another option is to schedule e-mails to be sent automatically, allowing you to concentrate on other tasks.

Improving commitment through a sense of belonging

One of a contractor's goals is to convert a prospect into a customer, and this is probably the case for you. People who use online tools to book services at a gym are more likely to be retained as members easily.This is noticeable thanks to easier contact and greater ease for them to obtain the desired services.What's more, even if emails aren't always the most favored in engagement strategies, they nevertheless remain a great tool for contact and for converting potential customers. One effective way of doing this is to send an e-mail to customers who have completed a trial or first session in your club.You also need to ensure that you speak directly to the prospect in question. The best way to do this is to generate an emotional response.

Shared values

The feeling of belonging to a community is something very important for human beings, so you need to work on this:sharing your story, your values and elements about your company will help them feel closer to you. What's more, you can also share what other members have to say (testimonials, opinions, advice, etc.), which can be done via e-mail or directly on the personalized coaching application you're used to using.The more integrated your customers feel, the more loyal they'll be to your company and your structure. What's more, isn't it nicer to see people working together in your gym, rather than scattered, introverted individuals? By taking all these criteria into account, you'll benefit from all the advantages of automated communication.

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