Generation Z's expectations at work

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Generation Z's expectations at work
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Discover Generation Z's new expectations at work!

What is Generation Z? Simply put, it's the generation of human beings who have always known about the Internet, from the moment they were born. In other words, it's the under-25s. Just before this, Generation Y represents the adults who experienced the digital transition from the mid-90s onwards.

Generation Z has grown up in a digitalized environment, full of uncertainties and a growing social and environmental conscience. As a result, the Z generation has seen the failure of old systems: today's companies no longer deliver on the promises of yesteryear.

Among these young people's concerns, quality of life is of paramount importance. As a result, they feel that the company has a duty to ensure the well-being of its employees, and that atmosphere and well-being within the structure itself rank second among their concerns. To help you understand the needs of this new generation, we've included all the details in this article by AZEOO.

The company is a vector of social ties

Generation Z wants to work as part of a team, and that's important to them. Atmosphere and interaction are therefore an important factor in their desire to go to work. This also means that loyalty is more likely to be directed towards the team than the company itself.

Zs automatically use instant messaging in the same way as email. Despite this, they like to keep a physical workspace where real-world exchanges can easily take place.

Generation Z's hobbyhorse: autonomy, adaptability and flexibility

Most representatives of this generation want the company to allow them to organize their working hours according to their own wishes, but also to use their own methods. With this in mind, co-working spaces have sprung up all over the place, reflecting this desire for flexibility and freedom. However, they also declare that they are not afraid to work a lot, as long as they can enjoy this autonomy.

Zs sometimes find it hard to project themselves into the future, which may be due to the successive social and economic crises they have experienced in their lives. That's why they are more receptive and inclined to work in the form of one-off assignments rather than a "job".

The CDI system may be doomed to disappear in the future, as many young people in Generation Z prefer fixed-term contracts, temping, part-time or freelance work. A less long-term vision doesn't give them the desire to project themselves too far into the future and lock themselves into a set career. That's why it's so important to offer progressive positions.

The vertical enterprise: it's over!

Generation Z has some difficulty with authority figures if their legitimacy is not justified. In such cases, they will substitute an authority based on skills, but above all an authority based on relationships and proximity.

With its all-in-one coaching software, AZEOO now offers services and functionalities for companies dedicated to the well-being of their employees.

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