How can you attract business to your gym?

Find out how to attract businesses to your sports club with offers and services tailored to their needs.

How can you attract business to your gym?

How to attract business to your sports club?

Attracting them to your sports club is possible in a context where employee health and well-being have become priorities for many companies. Companies are increasingly looking to offer their employees benefits such as gym memberships or wellness programs to improve their job satisfaction and productivity. It is possible for a sports club to attract businesses to diversify its clientele, increase revenues and strengthen its local reputation.

Companies engage in wellness programs for a variety of reasons: reducing stress in the workplace, improving team cohesion, attracting and retaining employees. By offering solutions tailored to these needs, your sports club can be a privileged partner.

The benefits of bringing sport into the workplace

Employee health and well-being

Many companies attach great importance to the health and well-being of their employees. This can be achieved through regular participation in sporting activities. Introducing sport into the daily lives of employees brings significant progress on several levels:

Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Healthy employees take less sick leave, which leads to higher productivity and fewer absences.

Sport has positive effects on mental health. It reduces anxiety and depression, improves mood and increases energy. Mentally healthy employees are more motivated and happier, which reinforces their commitment to work.

Foster team spirit and collaboration

Taking part in training sessions, sports competitions or team-building activities can have several positive effects on group dynamics.

Team sports require good communication, shared strategy and mutual support. These skills have a direct impact on the professional environment, promoting cooperation and team efficiency.

Interpersonal relations are strengthened by sporting activities, which enable employees to get to know each other outside the workplace. Good relations between colleagues help to create a positive working environment and reduce conflict.

Reduce work-related stress by taking it outside

Happiness hormones are released through physical activity to reduce stress and improve mood. Employees are calmer and more focused, which reduces stress. Research shows that regular physical activity promotes concentration, memory and creativity. Employees who engage in regular physical activity are generally more alert and perform better in their daily tasks. They can maintain a balance between their professional and personal lives through sport, for example. Job satisfaction is improved and turnover is reduced.

Our tips for attracting business to your sports club

Organize personalized fitness sessions

The key to attracting companies to your health club is to provide them with customized fitness programs. How do you create and deliver effective corporate fitness programs?

Start by meeting with human resources and managers to understand their objectives in terms of employee well-being. These may include stress-relieving fitness sessions, physical activity or team-building.

Offer customized programs that meet the specific needs of each company. Create yoga sessions for companies looking to reduce stress, or HIIT classes to improve overall employee fitness.

  • Flexibility and accessibility: make sure your programs are adaptable in terms of scheduling and access. Offer morning, lunchtime and evening sessions to suit different employee schedules.
  • Follow-up : set up progress indicators and periodic evaluations to demonstrate to companies the beneficial effect of your programs on employee health and productivity.

Offer group rates and special subscriptions

Advantageous prices for groups of companies can be an effective sales argument. Companies with a certain number of employees will benefit from attractive discounts. For example, offer a sliding-scale price according to the number of participants.

Create specific corporate memberships, including benefits such as unlimited access to the facilities, personal coaching sessions and specific group classes. Offer complete packages including sports activities, wellness workshops and nutritional consultations. Companies looking to improve the overall health of their employees can benefit from an all-in-one solution. As a bonus, offer companies annual contracts with additional discounts and exclusive privileges.

Create partnerships with local businesses near your sports club

Partnering with local businesses can increase your visibility and attract new customers. Collaborate with local businesses to organize cross-promotions. Give your members discounts at local restaurants in exchange for promoting them in your club.

Work with works councils: Collaborate directly with works councils to offer your services to corporate wellness programs. Propose exclusive offers and demonstrations to persuade committees of the quality of your services.

Use the local media to promote your partnerships and offers in the local media. Your visibility can be enhanced by articles in local newspapers, radio interviews or excerpts on local TV programs.

Examples of companies that have integrated sport into their activities


Decathlon, one of the world's leading sporting goods companies, is particularly exemplary when it comes to integrating sport into the workplace. The company offers its employees regular sports activities and provides accessible gyms in the workplace. Decathlon also organizes regular sports events to encourage employee participation and commitment.

Results: Decathlon's sports initiatives led to significant results. The company observed a noticeable improvement in team cohesion and employee well-being. These sporting activities not only fostered a spirit of camaraderie, but also helped to reduce turnover. As a result, the company's overall performance improved, showing that happier, healthier employees are also more productive and committed.

Bouygues Telecom

Bouygues Télécom has set up a variety of sports programs, including fitness classes, yoga sessions and in-house competitions. The aim of these initiatives is to promote health and well-being among employees, while creating opportunities to strengthen bonds between colleagues.

Results: These sports initiatives had a positive impact on the well-being of Bouygues Télécom employees. The company noted a reduction in stress levels and an increase in job satisfaction. Less stressed and more satisfied employees are more motivated and effective, which translates into improved efficiency and productivity within the company.


Orange, another telecommunications giant, organizes a variety of sports activities for its employees. The company offers weekly sports tournaments and fitness classes, aimed at encouraging employees to stay active and participate in regular physical activities.

Results: Orange's sports initiatives have strengthened the corporate culture and improved the general well-being of its teams. By offering regular opportunities for physical activity, Orange has succeeded in creating a more positive and dynamic working environment. This improvement in well-being has had a positive impact on collective performance, with more cohesive, committed and productive teams.

Managing a gym? Discover our free resources:

How to optimize your gym management

6 Marketing Tips to Boost Your Gym in 2024


To turn your sports club into a preferred destination for businesses and take advantage of these opportunities, it's essential to offer suitable programs and establish solid partnerships.

For personalized advice and effective strategies, turn to AZEOO. Contact us today and find out how we can help you attract and retain business in your sports club.

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